The Hoya Cocktail

Comments : 1 Posted in : Drinks of the Week, Tailgate Drinks on by : Chuck Tags: , ,

My go-to cocktail for any game, in any sport, involving Georgetown. Snoop would approve, I think.


  • Ice
  • Gin (2 parts)
  • Orange Juice (1 part)
  • Ginger Ale (2 parts)
  • Sparkling seltzer (1 part)
  • Dash Campari/bitters (optional)
  • Orange wedges for garnish


  1. Put ice in a glass.
  2. Put gin in the glass and let sit for a couple of minutes.
  3. Pour in orange juice, ginger ale, seltzer and the dash of campari (optional) and stir with a chopstick.
  4. Garnish with an orange wedge.


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