Cotton Candy Cooler

Posted in : Drinks of the Week, Tailgate Drinks on by : Chuck Tags: , , ,

This week, literally, I was trying to come up with a drink that would use up a bunch of blood orange seltzer water that was about to go flat. I came up with this concoction, which my wife liked and named. “Cotton Candy cooler,” she named it.


  • Ice
  • 1 part Vodka
  • 1 part Triple Sec
  • 2 parts Blood Orange seltzer
  • 1 part regular seltzer
  • Splash of lime juice
  • Lime wedge


  1. Put the ice in a glass, then pout the vodka and triple sec in. Let it sit for 1 minute.
  2. Pour the seltzers and lime splash in the glass, then mix gently.
  3. Garnish with lime wedge.

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