Aperol Wine Spritzer

Comments : 2 Posted in : Drinks of the Week, Tailgate Drinks on by : Chuck Tags: , , ,

Sweeping the world has been the Aperol Wine Spritzer, and it’s specifically swept through the my household, as my wife has insisted I make it ever since we bought that bottle of Prosecco. It’s a favorite here, the perfect blend of sweet and bitters.


  • Ice
  • 4 parts Prosecco sparkling wine
  • 2 parts Aperol (or Campari)
  • 1 part seltzer water
  • Splash of citrus (optional; I like a splash of lemon or lime in mine)
  • Orange Slice for garnish (blood orange preferred)


  1. Pour the ice in a tumbler.
  2. Put in the 2 parts Aperol and let it sit for about a minute.
  3. Put in the Prosecco, seltzer, and splash of citrus.
  4. Mix with a chopstick for 30 seconds and garnish with orange slice.


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