HomeTailgate Drinks Drinks of the Week Hard Cider and Whiskey Punch

Hard Cider and Whiskey Punch

Comments : 1 Posted in : Drinks of the Week, Tailgate Drinks on by : Chuck Tags: , , ,

I was literally scratching my head trying to figure out what I should do as the “Drink of the Week”, and my thoughts drifted to a hard cider and whiskey punch, which works as both a single drink or a large punchbowl. This actually is a really nice way to boost up hard cider, which to me seems not tasteful enough. This combination is something that screams “Pennsylvania orchard”.


  • Hard Cider (a six pack)
  • 1/2 bottle Whiskey (I used Old Tub)
  • Ground Cinnamon (alternative: Pumpkin Pie Spice)
  • Ice
  • Orange Rounds (optional)


  • Put all the ice and liquid in a punch bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon to taste, and ladle and serve. Garnish with orange rounds if desired.


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