HomeTailgate Drinks Drinks of the Week The Old Nassau Tiger Tail

The Old Nassau Tiger Tail

Comments : 1 Posted in : Drinks of the Week, Tailgate Drinks on by : Chuck Tags: , , , , ,

One of my favorite themed specialty tailgate drinks, this is derived from Slate’s “Princeton Cocktail #1“, which I renamed the Old Nassau Tiger Tail. It’s a beautiful layered drink that brings to mind Old Nassau’s Main Street and maybe an eating club or two. Chill the martini glasses before the pour.


  • 2 oz. Old Tom Gin
  • 3/4 oz Port Wine
  • 2 dashes Orange Bitters
  • Dash sugar syrup (agave will work) (optional)
  • Orange peel twist


  1. Combine the bitters, gin, and sugar syrup (optional) in a ice shaker
  2. Shake for about a minute.
  3. Pour the shaker mixture in the chilled martini glass.
  4. With great skill, pour the port wine very slowly on top of the gin mixture, achieving a layering effect.
  5. Garnish with orange peel twist


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